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Pit fired pottery

Pit firing is the most ancient technique of firing pots and is used today by contemporary potters to achieve some wonderful markings and surface effects on the clay surface. It is a high risk exciting activity and the results are unpredictable and never the same. Various natural materials such as banana skins, coffee grounds, salt and seaweed and some minerals and metals can be added in to the fire and placed around the pots to give different colours and markings. The risk of breakage and damage is great but the results are worth it and taking the pots out from the ashes is as exciting as Christmas day! The same process can also be achieved by using a barrel for smaller numbers of pots. The pots are not watertight after this process but are wonderful pieces to look at in their own right or use as plant pots or vases with a waterproof insert. This is one of my favourite ceramic techniques and I love the fact that every pot is unique, decorated by the fire with some guidance from me.

Due to the sporadic and individual nature of this process, pots will be added to the shop as and when they are made, and a piece cannot be replicated.

Local paperclay hand formed pit fired po
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